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  • Writer's pictureChloe Miller

Finding Motivation, Witchy Readings and Other Thoughts

I am currently in my finals part of the semester here as I don't have any tests, rather the three essays I am working on function as said finals. Essentially that means my finals period is two or three weeks longer than everyone else's and I am in the thick of them now.

In short, I am crazy busy reading sources and more sources for these papers so that I can write them in time.

Yesterday I read an entire 200 page book in one sitting because I didn't have enough time to parcel it all out into more digestible chunks. The plus side is the essay I am focusing on most right now is on Witch-hunts in Scotland. The sources are entertaining to read, however, any source over 100 pages in one sitting is hard to enjoy.

I don't know about everyone else but the time change hit me incredibly hard in a bad way. Being farther North, it means darkness starts as early as 3:00 pm, and for my brain that means motivation is harder to come by. All my body wants to do is sleep. I feel like I have been sleep walking for the past week and a half. It doesn't help that when I wake up at 9 am I only have six hours of light left meaning that six hours of precious time is all I have before my body thinks it is time to relax and go to sleep. With classes getting out at three and five some days, keeping the energy up to read 100 pages or more of source material a night is difficult.

My goal for today is to beat this lack of motivation by getting stuff done all day. So I am making my Great-Grandmother's Banana Bread, reading another witch source book and doing laundry. Hopefully. If there is time I will also work on my music for my ensembles back home.

(Note from Editing Chloe - The Banana Bread is delicious)

Today's Witchy Book is "The Scottish Witch-Hunt in Context" edited by Julian Goodare. A collection of individual papers on specific elements of the Witchcraft and Witch-hunts that occurred in Scotland. If you have any urge to read about Scottish witch trials with me, go right ahead.

I hope you all have been finding the motivation to do great things.

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