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  • Writer's pictureChloe Miller

Never not Homesick

At the beginning of my study abroad, some of my family made plans to come see me for the week of my birthday. An amazing gift that I was literally counting the days to because I missed them so much.

Homesickness comes in waves. When I first got here it hit me hard, but then it didn't show up again for a couple weeks when I had finally gotten some resemblance of a routine and could feel the absence of my people in the everyday. Then I had midterm assignments and was fully distracted right up to my family getting here.

I thought when my family got here I would be 100 percent better. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute they were here (don't worry Mom), but everywhere we went people would ask us when we were returning home. The waiter, the cabbie, the tour guide, and it began to weigh on me. I had gotten my family but they had to leave and I had to stay.

I guess the point is that you won't stop feeling homesick, you will just have moments of distraction that can sometimes last a week or maybe only a couple hours. That doesn't mean you aren't doing a great job by yourself, or that study abroad isn't worth it. You just miss home. Trust me I know I have exactly 54 days left until I get to go home, but my countdown won't stop me from having fun.

Just know that it is okay if you don't stop feeling homesick. I think the expectation is that eventually you just stop feeling sad about not having people you know around you, and that isn't true for everyone. I would say it isn't true at all. Embrace the sad and allow yourself to still have fun.

In other news, here are some happy pictures of my family and me this past week! We had so much fun. So. Much.



Yummy Food:

Fun Museum Show:


Overall a good time was had. I spent less time taking pictures and videos and more time taking in all the good family time I could get.

I miss my family already, I can't wait to come home.

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