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  • Writer's pictureChloe Miller

Week Three: Amazing Highs Can't Hide the Lows


I was fully involved in a cold this day and it was taking a lot out of me. I went to my two classes and then I had a movie date with my boyfriend. A double feature even. I am so glad I have technology to be able to do these cute things.

After the two movies though I was having an awful time breathing at all because of so much sick build up (Gross) and couldn't sleep it was so bad. I ended up taking a shower and standing over a steam bowl to be able to breath long enough to fall asleep. Not the greatest way to end the night. Tuesday:

Since Tuesday is my exploring day, I decided to bus into Stirling and walk to the area my family will be staying in so I could figure out how to get to places from that location. That way I could be of assistance when they get here. I walked around for about 2 and a half hours before deciding to go to the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum.

I won't say much about that since I am gonna do a whole post about it. After that I went Christmas shopping, and again, I can't say anything about that because then I ruin Christmas. I shopped until my meeting with the other people in my program (Cisabroad) at a cafe so I wouldn't have to bus back into town.

Then it was my first Film Club meeting! My flatmate and I went and the film for the evening was Short Term 12 which had a pretty all star cast, even though at the time they weren't as recognizable. The film was quite good and I recommend watching it, but know that it isn't the most light-hearted film.

On this day I walked 11.5 miles.


This day was much more class oriented as I had some group work meetings and a class, but I did end up going to Dusk Nightclub with some of my flatmates and that was a pretty fun experience. It was international students night and so everyone was wearing a flag sticker identifier and it was mainly crazy amounts of dancing.

I was out until too late for having three classes back to back starting at 9 am the next morning, but as we discover that is a re-occurring element of this week.


This day I went to all of my classes and didn't fall asleep. By the time my classes were done it was too late to nap without screwing up my sleep schedule even more so I did some homework before going to the Christine Bovill show. I will spare you more discussion of that as it is already it's own post.

Once the show was out I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as I could.


This day I one class and after I went to campus center, planned out my classwork for a while and had some lunch.

This was the day I got my disbursement for my loan and was able to pay Cisabroad for all my program fees. There was some drama associated as I had done something silly, but in the end it was okay, but money is scary and it is even scarier when you are in a foreign place where you can't work and what you got it what you will stay at. I had a melt down, I channeled it with some planning and organizing and then I realized it would be okay.

On this day I also went to a flat party and then a pub with my mates with a lot of chatting, pizza and bonding to wrap up the evening.


This day I didn't have a lot planned except for Karaoke at our now go to pub spot, The William Wallace, later in the evening.

So I did some homework, and I watched some YouTube, and then we left for Karaoke.

The William Wallace is a small pub that is in the perfect place so that you get a mix of students and locals, which creates a very friendly atmosphere. It is also run by the sweetest man and on Saturday's the karaoke is prime. Some of my flat mates and I went and we sang Bohemian Rhapsody and got the whole pub involved. It was quite fun and I am so happy to say I have sung solo in a pub in Scotland. How freaking cool is that! Yet another late night.

Sunday (Today):

I started by sleeping until 10 am. The first time I have slept in since arriving and man it felt good. For one I needed it from the multiple 3 am adventures of the week, and two because it just felt good to go slow for a minute.

My home sickness was particularly bad this morning and I was feeling emotional, so I packed up and left my room so I wouldn't sad nap all day. I went to campus center, got a chai and did some homework. While sitting there I thought about seeing a movie at the campus theater and so I looked up times for the day.

Two options: It Part II and The Farewell. Can't see It II because my dad and I are waiting to watch it together when I get home, so The Farewell it is.

I didn't even watch the trailer, I just went. It was beautiful and sad, the perfect cathartic release. It even had an element of being far away from your family (just a stab right to my heart) and I highly recommend watching it.

I then got to catch up on shows with my boyfriend before jumping to a second Skype with my family! It was a lovely way to end the week and I am so excited to get to see some of them in the next two weeks.

I think this week was a good example of having ups and downs even though it seems like a magical experience all the time. The main point is you have to channel the downs in the right ways to make it through to the fun stuff. You can't wallow for very long and you must do stuff for the sake of doing it. It is the only way to feel emotionally vulnerable and safe, without stifling yourself.

But I also think that is just life in general, it just seems like a big revelation because everything else is new too.

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