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Chloe Miller 

Currently in Scotland 

Hey, wanna do my research paper for me_.

Above all, what matters is not to lose the joy of living in the fear of dying. 


-Maggie Keswick Jencks  

What I am listening to right now: 


The Classes

Twelve Credits of History in a single Semester. That is roughly 600 hours of history classes in the span of 12 weeks. 91 days. That is...

Guys, I'm scared.

Today I realized that I am scared about going abroad. 17 days until I depart and that is fucking terrifying. Don't get me wrong, I am...

A Brief History of Stirling Scotland

As a history major, my favorite parts of travel involve going to museums, historical sites and historical areas of cities. I can't help...

Holy Crap, I'm going abroad!

I have been telling people for weeks that I will be studying abroad in September. I purchased my plane tickets months ago. I have been...



Not required, of course.

Traveling is expensive. College is expensive. I am doing both at the same time. If you want to support my adventures in Scotland, follow the link to my fundmytravel site to donate.

Pictures of my trip?  Check out my Instagram!

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